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Chapel Mediation and Consultancy Services
An Independent SEND Mediation and Dispute Resolution Service. We specialise in resolving issues in relation to Special Educational Needs and Disability.
The office will be closed from Tuesday 24th December 24 to Friday 27th December 24. All calls and emails will be replied to on Monday 30th December 24 and all certificates dated the date of the request.
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About the service:
Your Local Authority will provide access to an independent mediation service for those parents/carers who are considering accessing the SEND Tribunal to appeal against a decision regarding their child or young person's education, health or social needs. Our service offers experienced qualified mediators who are not only qualified in Mediation but have a SEND background with years of experience and understanding of educational processes, procedures and have knowledge of Educational Law. When you contact the service you will be talked through your options, timescales and signposted to services and organisations who can support you. You will not be persuaded to take up mediation if you do not wish to do so.
Your mediation service details will be found on your Local Offer on your Council website. Dispute Resolution is also available to help parties address situations where relationships are becoming strained and working together is increasingly difficult. The service can work with families and services such as Education, Health providers and Social Care to assist them in working towards positive outcomes.
We are registered with the Department of Education as approved, accredited SEND Mediators, we are members of the Civil Mediation Council and are guided by the Professional Standards for Mediators Working with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).
Why go to mediation?
Mediation is an opportunity to resolve a SEND dispute quickly by using a mediator to help everyone to come to an agreed outcome. This could be a final outcome (e.g. an agreement to carry out an assessment) or it might be an agreement on next steps - Agreed Actions.
What can I expect if I opt for mediation?
Your request will be sent to your Local Authority and they will aim to conclude the mediation within 30 days. Your mediator will contact parties to ascertain the issues prior to the mediation.
You can bring someone to support you, e.g. a teacher or SENCO, SENDIASS, a relevant expert, or a family member or friend. You can bring information from people who have opinions about the support the child/ young person may need. Bringing new and additional evidence is always useful and if possible should be sent in advance of the mediation for consideration. You can also bring a statement from the young person / child too or they may wish to attend themselves.
Agreements and actions are often agreed through the mediation process but if you are unable to reach agreement you can still submit an appeal to the (SEND) First-tier Tribunal. Your mediation service will issue a mediation certificate to confirm you have attended a mediation meeting and you have 30 days from the date of the certificate or two months from the date of the Local Authority decision letter to lodge your appeal - whichever is the longest.
What happens if I choose not to go to mediation?
Mediation is not a mandatory step - but it may be a way of resolving issues quickly and having an opportunity to talk through your concerns. If you decide not to access mediation - your mediation service will issue a Mediation Certificate which will confirm you have received independent information about what your options are which should be sent to the SEND Tribunal with your appeal.
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 (
St Clare's Chapel
Victoria Road
Barnard Castle
Co. Durham
DL12 8HR
Our Products
Independent SEND Mediation and Dispute Resolution Services
An Independent SEND Expert for Exclusion Review Panels
Bespoke Training Packages
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